Thursday, 18 October 2012



It's nearly here!  Time to get your ghoul on!  Halloween is definitely my favourite holiday.  It's the no stress, no gift pressure and no huge dinner to cook holiday. There are so many fun elements about Halloween - here are some of my picks.


Paper Source, one of my faves (if only we had it in Canada) has tons of great spooky ideas!  I bought this spider garland when I was in NYC, but you can order on-line.  Brianna (my 4 year old) and I put it together! So easy!

Pumpkin carving has come a long way from cutting out triangles! For some great tips check out this link.


I need to make some Halloween treats for both of my daughter's classes.  I dream of bringing in the treat that all mother's swoon over, envying my baking and creative prowess.  So I did a little Google search.

How cute are these witches?  I love them.  Could I make them?  No.  For these and a ton of other Halloween treats that less than 1% of the population can pull off, check out Parents. (How ironic is that?)

Now I can probably do these.  The owls maybe, but I could totally kick the fruit skewers and cheese & crackers out of the park.

One Charming Party


Don't forget to send some spooky wishes to friends and family.  Here are some of our Halloween designs.  Available on

So as it stands (this inevitably will change on the day of) we have a strawberry short cake and a tiger hitting the Halloween streets.  Dave and I will be gunslingers, though I am a tad worried that the costume I ordered is sluttier than anticipated.  Must find a way to tone that down for the kiddos:)

And alas, the best part of trick-or-treating is to have wine in hand - it's become our adult tradition.  See, red wine can look scary:)

Happy Halloween Everyone!

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